Fermentation, Brewing, Extraction


Examples of Utilization

Fermentation, Brewing, Extraction

Fermentation, Brewing, Extraction

Time-saving effects of fermentation


The Intestinal Flora Transplant Clinical Research Group found that when companies used hydrogen NanoGAS® water instead of water from a water purifier to make fermented seasonings such as shiomame and sweet koji, the fermentation process took half the usual time. Furthermore, the results of making amazake with hydrogen NanoGAS® water and purified water and comparing the sugar content at each elapsed time are shown below.

Ingredient Extraction Effect – Glutamic Acid


Research on glutamic acid extraction was conducted at Symbiosis, Inc. A kelp broth was prepared with dried kelp andH2NanoGAS® wateror mineral water at room temperature…. Significant differences in glutamic acid extraction were observed. The main reason is thought to be that the water bubbles from the water NanoGAS®︎ enter the dried and broken kelp cells, and more of the ingredients can be extracted without heat or pressure.

Anti-rust effect (verification of antioxidant capacity)


Research on the anti-corrosion effect of NanoGAS® was conducted at Symbiosis, Inc. (from left to right)・Tap water 50ml・Hydrogen NanoGAS® water (undiluted) 50ml・Ozone NanoGAS® water (undiluted) 50ml Iron pieces were simultaneously added to the three liquids, and the progress of rusting was recorded for one year. Iron pieces soaked in tap water for one year rusted brown, but neither hydrogen NanoGAS® water (without dilution) nor ozone NanoGAS® water (without dilution) showed brown rust on the iron pieces. NanoGAS® water has a low oxidation-reduction potential, which means that iron does not rust easily.

Effects of fermentation, brewing, and extraction


Research on the effects of fermentation, brewing, and extraction with NanoGAS® was conducted at Symbiosis, Inc. Normally, yeasts do not grow visibly large in a short time, but with NanoGAS water, fermentation proceeded in two days.This means that the brewing period for miso, soy sauce, alcohol, etc. is expected to be shortened.

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