Original Research Article: “Suspension Sterilization Effect of NanoGAS” was published.

Morishita R, Itoh S, Takeda-Morishita M. Evaluation of Bactericidal Effects of H2- and O3-filled Ultrafine Bubbles Water. Biocontrol Sci. 2022;27(3):139-142.https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bio/27/3/27_139/_article/-char/ja Background and PurposeIt has been shown that microbubbles have a bactericidal effect, but the relationship between the bactericidal effect and the gas species enclosed in the microbubbles has not yet been clarified.In particular, the sterilizing effect of microbubbles containing hydrogen, which has an antioxidant effect, has not been confirmed.Therefore, we have conducted a bacterial suspension test to investigate the bactericidal effect of hydrogen-filled NanoGAS water ( H2 NanoGAS water) and ozone-filled NanoGAS water (O3 NanoGAS water), both of which have bactericidal effects, and observed changes over time in the bacterial … Continue reading Original Research Article: “Suspension Sterilization Effect of NanoGAS” was published.