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Test results

Ozone NanoGAS® Water: Report on Primary Skin Irritation Test Results Using Rabbits

Ozone NanoGAS® Water: Report on Primary Skin Irritation Test Results Using Rabbits

Apr. 12, 2021

We have conducted a skin primary irritation test on rabbits for ozone NanoGAS® water, which we currently provide as a paid sample.

As a result, we are pleased to report that the substance was determined to be “non-irritant,” showing no irritancy in either the naked eye or histopathological examination.
We would like to continue to conduct further verification and research with companies as a substance with the potential to have a highly safe antimicrobial function and cleaning function.

If your company would like to order samples for a fee, please click Please see this link for a paid sample.

The following is a report from the testing organization.

Test title : Primary skin irritation study in rabbits to ozone NanoGAS® water
Test site : GLP certified laboratory

For the purpose of studying the irritancy of a single dose of ozone ultrafine bubble water on the back skin of rabbits, a dose of 0.5 mL each was applied occluded to the back skin (healthy skin and damaged skin) of Japanese White female rabbits for 24 hours.
After 24, 48 and 72 hours of application, the formation of erythema/crust and edema were observed grossly according to the Draize method, and histopathological examination was performed. The same dose of injectable water was also administered as a control substance.

Skin irritation reaction (observed by naked eye)

The results are shown in Table 1.

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No irritative changes such as erythema/crust and edema were observed in both healthy and damaged skin at the site of administration of either the test substance (ozone ultrafine bubble water) or the control substance (water for injection) throughout the observation period. The primary irritation index (P.I.I.) obtained from the results at 24, 48 and 72 hours after administration were all 0, and the product was evaluated as “no irritant”.

histopathological examination

The results are shown in Table 2 and Appendix 1.

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Click to enlarge

Minor dermal cell infiltration was observed in 2/3 of the cases in the test substance-treated healthy and damaged skin, and in 2/3 of the cases in the control substance-treated healthy and damaged skin. However, since there was no difference in the quality and degree of lesions between the test and control substances, or between healthy and damaged skin, it was considered to be a change in reactivity to the administration of the test substance and was judged to be unrelated to the effect of the test substance administration.

general situation

The results are shown in Table 3.

No abnormalities in general condition were observed in any of the animals throughout the observation period.

Weight change

The results are shown in Table 4.

Click to enlarge

No decrease in body weight or other abnormalities were observed in any of the animals on the third day of administration.

Based on the above results, the ozone ultrafine bubble water was determined to be a “non-irritant” product, showing no irritancy in either gross or histopathological examinations.


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